Showing: Advise

Acing the Ophthalmology Oral Boards: OphthoGenie’s Testing and Study Bank Features Explained
Now that you’ve found OphthoGenie, I’m sure you’re wondering what’s the best way to use this great tool! We’ve broken it down for you by feature. We know you’re going to find the 200+ cases and realistic format invaluable during…

What They Don’t Teach You About Refractive Surgery During Training
Refractive Training in the US If you’ve had the average ophthalmology training in the US, you’ve probably had about the same exposure to refractive surgery as you had to contact lens fitting (read: not much). Minimal attention is paid to…

Eight Things to Consider to Land Your First Job
Landing Your First Job So, you’ve finally finished your training and are looking for your first job – this should be the easy part, right? Unfortunately, many trainees feel inadequately prepared to handle their first job search. Keep reading for…